Friday, August 20, 2010

Ocean Conservancy

While taking a class called Ad Design, we were given the project of creating a campaign about a social issue linked with an already existing group. I chose the Ocean Conservancy due to my love of sharks. I'm that person who can't wait for Shark Week every year, regardless if I have seen every show of Shark Week a billion times.
For my campaign, I chose to target what I called the "Jaws Era" these are people who were teenagers and young adults when the movie Jaws came out and have a real fear of sharks.
The campaign consisted of three print ads.

 Headline: "sea lions are better."

Body Copy: Well, they’re better than you are. I actually don’t prefer to eat you, although Jaws would have you think otherwise. If anyone is eating anyone, you guys are eating me. Shark finning in order to make shark fin soup is a serious issue. Let’s make a deal, you don’t eat me and I won’t eat you. Trust me, sea lions taste better anyway.

Headline: "jaws ruined my life."

Body Copy: No, really. Since that movie premiered in 1975, I’ve been the bad guy. I just want to swim around the ocean and eat a sea turtle or two. But I can’t do that anymore, instead I’m left to die at the bottom of the ocean, unable to swim so you can eat me. Be the good guy, help stop shark finning.

Headline: "just keep swimming."

Body Copy: It’s not always as easy as it sounds. Not to mention that I have to keep swimming in order to breathe. When shark finners cut off our fins, we sink to the bottom of the ocean. Since we can’t swim, we can’t breathe and we drown, as ironic as it may seem. Help stop shark finning. Besides, have you ever tried to swim without your arms? 

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